Vegetable spray hose leaking.

Vegetable spray hose

When buying a vegetable spray mixer tap. You should be aware of the space it has to sit in for it to work properly.

As you may be aware when you pull out a vegetable spray nozzle, the hose is weighted to allow the nozzle to sit back in place. Below the sink bench top, the space is generally limited and has various pipes and hoses in the vicinity. This particular hose has been rubbing on the isolation valve for the mixer cold, Dishwasher and heating unit, until eventually it has worn through. Fortunately the client spotted the leak before it caused too much damage to the cabinetry. This could have been avoided had the valve been sited 50mm lower.

It pays to take a look and assess whether it will work adequately for your own sink. Meeting your plumbing needs.


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