Toilet under water valve.

When a toilet is leaking into the pan, there are two possible causes.

One of the main causes is the under water valve. This is the valve that sits inside the toilet cistern and when you press the flush button it depresses the flush mechanism, which in turn lifts the under water valve from the valve seating and allows the cistern to drain into the toilet to flush the waste away. On the bottom of the valve is a washer. When the washer fails it allows water to slowly drain out into the pan. Every now and then the cistern will start to refill, as the inlet valve float has dropped below a certain level. When its your ensuite toilet and the inlet valve keeps filling in the middle of the night, it can become quite tiresome.

Don’t lose sleep! It really is a quick fix, give me a call.


Toilet inlet valve.


Unblocking waste pipes.