Hot Water Cylinder installation.

This Hot Water Cylinder was a beast to install. Mains pressure cylinder connected onto a wet back. The cylinder has various fail safes and must meet NZBC G12 requirements.

Because it is a closed system the wet back to the HWC is fed by a coil. The water introduced into the wet back supply is via a copper header tank in the loft space (this is dependant on local authorities recommendations). The pipe work is then vented to allow thermal expansion to escape, preventing over pressurisation of the wet back revolve pipe work. Being mains pressure the HWC has a Temperature and Pressure Relief Valve, Cold Water Expansion valve (both discharging to the outside via a copper relief drain) and a Tempering valve. The cylinder is seismically braced and sits on a safe tray, that discharges outside in the event of the HWC leaking.

The end result was a neat and tidy installation that the customer loved. Meeting your plumbing needs.




Blocked Sinks