Leaking pipe caused by screw hole.

Leaking pipe caused by screw hole

After carrying out a water filter install, I was called back as a leak had appeared close to the water filter.

Obviously the first thoughts are that the leak has been caused by the installation. After cutting into the wall lining I could see the leak was not down to the installation. Removing the skirting board highlighted the problem. A gib screw had been screwed into the pipe 19 years previously when the house was built. The screw had rusted but stemmed the leak. After cutting out part of the base plate, I was able to access the damaged piece of pipe. This is where it became tricky, as the pipe needed cutting close to the concrete to remove the damaged section, whilst leaving enough pipe to get the crimping tool in place close to the concrete line.

The end result was a leak free water pipe and a surprised customer finding it hard to believe that a screw had been in the pipe all those years without showing a leak. Meeting your plumbing needs.


Leaking Hot Water Cylinder

