Leaking Hot Water Cylinder

Leaking Hot Water Cylinder

The customer thought the Hot Water Cylinder was leaking from the bottom.

On opening the cupboard and seeing the water line running down the outside of the Cylinder, it seemed prudent to check the top connections. Noticing the state of the gib where the pipe penetrates the roof space and the water line down the pipe, it was obvious something in the loft space was the problem. In the ceiling space was a low pressure valve vented set up. The pressure relief valve was leaking badly. As these are factory set, the only thing to do was replace the valve. On turning the water back on the leak was still present on the Cylinder but not as bad, however, after checking all the connections the inner cylinder was leaking and had to be replaced.

Not all Hot Water Cylinder leaks lead to replacement. It may be just a connection that needs the hemp replacing. Meeting your plumbing needs.


Sue Kelly Water Softener


Leaking pipe caused by screw hole.