Low Pressure Valve Vented Hot Water Cylinder installation.

Low Pressure Valve Vented Hot Water Cylinder

The original HWC was copper and the recent introduction of Chlorine to the water has caused pin holing in the cylinder and leaking. The replacement cylinder is virtuous enamel with a sacrificial anode to protect the cylinder from future problems with the water quality.

The original cylinder was an older installation with a relief valve fitted to the top right of the cylinder. The valve had cooked and was continuously leaking hot water, quite an expense over time. The relief valve was replaced and I bought the HWC up to NZ building code by adding a cold water expansion valve, this will continuously drip cold water rather than hot making a big saving over time. I also installed a safe tray to catch any possible future leaks, preventing damage to the building fabric, also a requirement of the building code. Seismic restraints and bracing hold the HWC in place in the event of an earthquake.

The end result was a neat and tidy installation and no leaks, happy customer. Meeting your plumbing needs.


Spouting Clean.


Toilet inlet valve.