Hot Water Cylinder Installation.
My last blog showed where the HWC was leaking from and I mentioned the possible cause being Chlorination of the water supply.
Why does Chlorine make HWC’s leak. When you see a copper roof or spouting it has generally gone a green colour. This is called patination effectively copper rust. However, unlike steel rust, the patination actually protects the copper from further exposure to the weather and makes it a durable product to use. Very expensive though! So when chlorine is added it cleans off the patination, causing the copper to create more patination. The process continues until eventually the copper pinholes. I replaced this HWC with vitreous enamel rather than copper. The New Zealand Building Code now requires seismic restraints of HWC to prevent excessive movement in an Earthquake, (as we know in Canterbury Eathquakes are a common cause of excessive movement). Also a safe tray to be installed under the HWC, this takes any leakage away, preventing damage to floors and walls, reducing the cost of making things good after a leak. Just remember this is part of the Building Code not something Plumbers have devised to make money!
I remind you Hot Water Cylinders are out of sight and out of mind. It’s important to check them once in a while, so that leaks don’t go undetected. Meeting your plumbing needs.