Repaired Spouting.

Repaired spouting dropper

Last weeks Blog was about a spouting repair.

After removing the lean to cover flashing and the first section of perspex roof, I was able to access the leaking dropper. Unfortunately the original had been sealed in because the spouting had been left too short. Once the sealant had given way, because of expansion and contraction it started to leak. With the access I was able to remove the dropper and install a new one that was longer than the original. This provided enough spouting to allow for thermal expansion and contraction, without using sealant allowing the product to do what it was designed for. I also repaired a leak above the kitchen window and reset a section of spouting on the front of the lean to, because it was falling away from the dropper. As predicted the end result was leak free spouting and another happy customer.

For your spouting and roof repairs give me a call. Meeting your plumbing needs.


Leaking Washing Machine Tap


Whole House Water Filter.