Whole House Water Filter.

This whole house water filter has become a very popular install.

If your looking at removing the taste of Chlorine from your water supply and having the benefit of prolonging your plumbing, from tap ware to washing machine, then this whole house water filter is an ideal solution. I try to install them in the garage near the incoming water supply, this protects them from frost and the effects of UV rays deteriorating the system. When I installed my own the first thing I noticed was how nice the water tasted, not only from the tap, but when making tea and coffee. It’s amazing when doing renovations and cutting into pipe work how much residue is left on the pipe lining, clear evidence of Iron which this system removes as well as other impurities in the water supply.

Interested in a whole house system give me a call, happy to quote and discuss. Meeting your plumbing needs.


Repaired Spouting.


Spouting Leak.